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Creation of P4S

Creation of P4S

The rapid development of digital uses in many fields (teleworking, telemedicine, telemedicine, smart city, AI, cloud, industry 4.0, etc.) requires the implementation of increasingly complex and efficient computer network infrastructures.

The need to make several systems communicate together is not new in itself and many types of networks have developed over the years; there were several hundreds of protocols (almost one per manufacturer) at the end of the 1980s, we were talking about field buses then used in particular in embedded systems (avionics, automotive, rail, etc.) and in the automation industry.
In addition to these fieldbuses, non-industrial computing has been based on the Ethernet standard.
Finally, in recent years, the problem of cybersecurity of networks of all types has become a major challenge in the digital transformation of businesses.

After years of work in numerous research teams on these themes, the two designers of the Ethersys project, Mr. Christian Garnier and Mr. Bruno Monsuez (researchers from ISEP, EPITA, ENSTA) decided to enlist the services of an engineer specialized in embedded systems, Mr. Maxime Apollonio, in order to industrialize a marketable solution.

At the beginning of 2022, they decided to share their project with the former director general of EPITA, Mr. Joël Courtois, and on August 1, 2022, the Startup P4S was created for Products and Services for Safe and Secure Systems.

The P4S strategy is now defined with the project to launch communication equipment (switch, network card and end-system) to meet the needs of all categories of users and system designers requiring highly efficient, reliable and secure communication system architectures that are highly efficient, reliable and safe and energy efficient.
This breakthrough innovation should take the form of the production of the first demonstration systems in the second quarter of 2023.

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